12.03.13 - House Keeping
I am so bad at keeping my tears.
Those of you who know me know I I have a touch of the goofball. I enjoy being the backseat heckler.
This may come as a surprise, but I am an introvert. And I think this actually carries over to the fact that I don't keep track of my published work for a brag file.
But there comes a time when one has to justify their existence, like applying for credentials to major international events, and you must prove you are not there to get free passes (there is no such thing), hobnob with celebrities (who cares), undercut the official photographer (I am an OP on occasion, so, do unto other as they would do unto you) or when your memory starts to go and you don't know what you have done with your life.
Tonight I started grabbing the few files I have saved over the years, and man do I have SO much more to get through.