10.27.11 - Finally!
12 hour days at the paper this week have put a crimp in my editing, but I am finally getting the last of Stephanie's senior portraits uploaded for her to see. This was my one preconceived image. I've learned over the years to not force these images to happen. If you do you tend to lose site of the big picture and miss some great organic opportunities.
That being said, I had mentioned this idea before even meeting our equine subject. For those who aren't horse people, this is a well known thoroughbred breeding stallion. Stallions can be aggressive, explosive and unprecdictable. So having Stephanie kneel in front of him and put her head close to his teeth was a bold proposition. And then I met Harry, and realized we could have put her whole head in his mouth and he would have accepted it and stood with his ears pricked, standing square and looking every bit the handsome, well behaved gentleman he is. (FYI, his babies have the same temperament!)