Time Flies

I recently went to show someone a stock image from the snow storms and couldn't find it in the database. I discovered it wasn't there. Yikes, slap my wrist. The greatest image in the world makes you nothing if nobody knows of it. (And it needs to be keyworded and promoted, but that is for a different day.)

I've gone back to the first of the year and discovered how spotty I have been in 2010 with updating. I have a great, and ever growing list of stock image subjects. I spent a few hours contorting myself under the rails at the Devon Horse Show shooting take-off and landing shots. (Which when done with a 300mm and no landmarks becomes an exercise in deleting many out of focus and missing subject matter.) And yet these were still sitting in my "To DO" folder.

I am working my way through it all. The requests for winter photos have begun to come in. And I have gotten the snow shots from last year in. And the joints are going in now. Perhaps I will be caught up for the year prior to leaving for WEG, where I am sure I will make one or two images that will need to be added.


Photo of the Day (from the day before)


Preperation is Never Overkill