$150 base rate for four (4) high res product views $50 additional for 360 single item
$125 per each 2-5 similar items $45 per of 360
$100 per each 6-10 similar $40 per 360
$75 for 11+ $35 per 360
for new unused items
Same size (blankets/clothing), product type to be economical to them
Contact us to discuss your products and project customizing
Post production of product $75 in 15 minute increments
Preproduction product prep - new products only no salesman samples - samples will be billed for prep
Location fee for shooting on site is available with stipulations
Color changes in 360
180 for jewlery
Setting yourself out from you competition
Good photography to sell your product
Hosting ($72 year for unlimited hosting/bandwidth)
2x2 foot print 5' tall
10 minutes to clean/prep/style item
Surcharge for bulky items $75 minimum per like items *call for quote/odd shaped items
Shipping all carriers returns sent on your account number